North Central Livestock Exchange (NCL) is the largest cattle auction market in Canada. We are located 65 km north of Edmonton, Alberta, in the center of the highest concentration of Cow-Calf pairs per acre in Canada. Our field reps look after the market needs of all northern Alberta, northeastern British Columbia, and parts of northern Saskatchewan. Our professional sales staff includes experienced field reps, order buyers, and champion auctioneers. We have staff available seven days per week, September through April.
At NCL we run regular weekly sales every Tuesday starting at 9:00 am. In addition, we will run feature Bred Cow sales, Purebred sales and Special sales on Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year. Our buyers' market goes far into eastern Canada and extends down into the northern United States. View our sale calendar or contact us today!
REGULAR SALES EVERY TUESDAY, including PRESORT SALES during the Fall & Spring. We also offer live internet auctions through DLMS. For more information regarding any of our marketing options, please contact the market.